"If your looking for sympathy it's in the
dictionary between Shit and Syphilis"



Friday, July 16, 2010

Love conquers everything, but does it?

We all know the saying 'Love conquers everything.'

But I've come to the realisation that it is false.
There is so much damage love can take.

After all the lying and all the pain.
Trust is demolished what's there to hold two people together.. Nothing

Don't say I'm worng.
Because in this situation I'm right.

Your feeling's won't change.
Mine haven't.
My heart is stilll their's.
I'm still completely and utterly in love with them.

It's easier to fall in love than to fall out of it..

This time it's goodbye.
Not see you later.
The relationship is done, it's finished.
But I still wish I could hold you in my arms and call you mine.

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