"If your looking for sympathy it's in the
dictionary between Shit and Syphilis"



Monday, August 9, 2010

Dear Physic's I hate you.

I was asked by my little brother today, “What’s love?”
I looked into his curious eyes and told him “Love is love, you’ll know when you’re older”
His reply “But you’re older so I’m asking you.”
For once in my life I couldn’t answer one of his question.
Through out the 9 years I’ve known him I could easily answer his question’s.
This one stumped me.
So for the last few hour’s I’ve been pondering what love it.
I used to think I knew what it was.
But now I’ve come to realise it’s not what I thought.
Love is a figment of our imagination.
It was planted into the minds of every single person
To fill a void of nothingness
And for people to have an excuse to do stupid and reckless things.
Maybe love exists but I am yet to find a definite definition 
Love makes us pursue those who wish not to be pursued
Love’ makes people act like idiots.
How do I know? I’ve been in ‘Love

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