"If your looking for sympathy it's in the
dictionary between Shit and Syphilis"



Sunday, June 13, 2010


"This fragile game it’s like a train that’s headed nowhere. It never stops and I can’t see the exit sign." 
- "Inside of you" - The Maine

I knew how it was going to end.
I should have been ready.
But the news was something I wish I never knew
I shouldn't have asked.
I should have left it.

But no I had to be selfish and open my mouth. 
Now I have to live with these thoughts.
If I never asked I wouldn't have to try and forget.
The anger inside me will just keep building.
If I never asked it wouldn't be there

Until the day the the lid blows off.
And the anger pours out.
A sea of fury.
If I never asked it won't happen.

The lesson is:
"Know when the time is right to shut your mouth and stop asking questions."

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