"If your looking for sympathy it's in the
dictionary between Shit and Syphilis"



Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Past

As today ends the memory of my little sister grows stronger.
I hope that I never lose someone so close to me again.
To go through something heartbreakingly painful.
To lose someone who mean's the world to you.
Is the very worst.
Even if I knew my sister for a limited amount of time
It still hurts to know I could have had a little sister old enough to take shopping today.
A little sister I could stand up for in High school today.
A little sister who today I could help with her homework or her everyday trouble.
Yes I do have a little sister but she is 10 not 15.
I can't do the same things for her as I will have left to start my own life.
I wish she were alive.
My Trinh you were the most perfect of all babies.
I miss you and I love you.
I can't control who leaves this life for the next, but at least I can make the best memories to hold on to if it happens.

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