"If your looking for sympathy it's in the
dictionary between Shit and Syphilis"



Saturday, June 12, 2010

Torn in two.

Would it be fair to assume,
When someone walks out of your life then they will stay out of it?

This is what I assumed.

I let everything lasting memory and feeling attached to him go.
My best friend. My everything.
Even if he were a huge part of my life
I had to let everything go for my own sake.

With time,
Everything fell back into place.
Everything was getting better.
Life was back to "normal"
"Whatever normal is.. My normal is WAY different to your normal."
That's because you're not real!

But yes.
Things were settling down
And I realised I had someone amazing right in front of my eyes.
So you could say things were inches from perfect.

Then he came back.
"I love you"
Where the last words he said to me.

The first after all this time apart was also
"I love you"
And so,
Like water breaking a flood gate.
The memories and feelings rushed back.
Emotions flying everywhere.
Instantly I was wrapped around his finger all over again.
Thing almost went straight back to where they were.

But there is the one person I love more than anything.
In which, I can't and won't give them up for any one or thing.
I fought so hard for them I cannot throw it away.

So now I am torn in two.
I am confused.

The only thing I seem to be thinking about right now
"Case 1 or 2? Person 1 or 2?"
Um, person number 2!

The question's running through my head:
Where are you know?
How much have you drunk?
What are you doing?
Are you okay?

And that's not even a quarter of them.

I can tell who I care about more.
I have no nails left to bite.
I'm worrying and there is still an hour to go.
But there is 8hours, even more till I get to talk to you.
I don't know what's happening.
I would give anything to be there.

I don't know what to do.

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