"If your looking for sympathy it's in the
dictionary between Shit and Syphilis"



Friday, December 17, 2010

In my mind

I wish I could cast a spell like in Harry Potter and make you forget me.
Then maybe someone could cast it on me and so then I could forget you.

Life itself would be so much easier.
All this drama
All the awkwardness would be gone.
All the pain,
All the memories
Just gone no longer causing problems

No more reminiscing of what was.
No more wishing things were how they used to be..
No more sadness, you could smile, a genuine smile.

But no in the real world you live with the memories that taunt you.

In my mind life is so much easier.
15 years ago my sister didn't die.
5 years ago my heart wasn't shattered
4 years ago grandma did pass away
3 years ago I didn't fuck up most of my life
A year ago I didn't fall for you and we stayed the best of friends
A few months ago I didn't make that obviously wrong choice.

But Life isn't easy.
It's full of so many problems you lose count after a few days.

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