"If your looking for sympathy it's in the
dictionary between Shit and Syphilis"



Friday, May 28, 2010

Exams, Birthday, Love.

I have 5 exams to complete,
One is done only four more to go.
Worst 14 hrs and 45minutes of my life.
"Even I hate exams, I have to shut up for the whole time!"

To make it worse my birthday is right in the middle of them.
"Well really it's in the middle skewed positively."
Whatever man. Don't histogram me.

To make my situation even worse.
I've realised as the days pass and I get older I am one step closer to moving.
Which means I'm leaving my friends who aren't moving the same year or are too young to leave.
I have to leave those who have made an impact on my life.
The people who make me who I am today.
How do you cope with losing all of that?

"Well friend what you do is, you never forget them and so when your path's cross again you can pick up where you left off."

Wise words from a not so wise person.

The thing that gets me through the day
Is knowing that there are those out there that love you
No matter who you were or are now
They are always going to be there for you.
They won't let you down.

To those who love me.
I love you ten fold.
I hope to never forget or be forgotten

"Don't throw yourself out on another's whim.
People change, as do intentions and as a result, consequences
Live for yourself - Love those around you,
but realise that they've got their own agendas " - Alex William Gaskarth

Also have an
Inside out
Upside Down
Diagonally spun

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